Leadership Development
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What do you do when you find out that you need to develop in the areas of communication, adaptability or openness? Maybe these leadership skills have been asked of you for the role that you play in your company or, you received feedback from others mentioning that these are areas of opportunity for you to work on. You can search the internet for articles, blog posts or go to Amazon to find a book to read about Leadership. These are all good choices, but are there more options? Yes, when you log into SelfStir, there is a valuable area called Recommendations.

Here’s an example of what results you get when you select ‘Communication’ as the competency, and ‘Action’ as your learning style and selecting all contexts; ‘Work’, ‘Friends’ and ‘Family’. You get 11 recommendations on what you can do in your workplace, with friends or with family to help you develop your communication skill. The order is based on user popularity and the first recommendation is, in my opinion, absolutely the best recommendation provided: ‘Ask others what you should start, stop, and/or continue’. This is what starts off difficult discussions with people and opens up communication. Any life coach or executive coach would give you this assignment first to get things started in your self development. I have used this technique in many open feedback sessions from high level executives to cross functional teams, and it really works!

'Ask others what you should start, stop, and/or continue'. This is what starts off difficult discussions with people and opens up communication. Click To Tweet

competency development. recommendations, leadershipLeadership development in organizations tend to focus on training, but experience can be a much more powerful tool in development. We also find that people have different learning preferences, some people like to watch videos, TedTalks or movies. Some like to read books and articles, while others like to attend structured training courses. In the SelfStir free 360 degree feedback development platform, you can filter by your learning preferences, and find  movies like “Glory”,  “The Bucket List” and “12 Angry Men” recommended to watch, and by watching, you learn by example.

Go to SelfStir’s Leadership Competencies, to read how we have defined each skill/competency and where it fits in your development journey.

When you are ready to begin your development journey, sign up to our free integrated leadership development platform. Why free? Because we are a mission driven organization. You can read more about SelfStir on our about us page.

If you are an organization or a consultancy and are looking for a business solutions, visit our business page here: https://www.selfstir.com/business-solution/ or you can view our business package features in our pricing page.

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