SelfStir Business

31Mar 2023
Self reflection for development

Introduction In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, personal and professional growth has become a top priority for individuals and organizations alike. Two powerful tools that can significantly contribute to this growth are self-reflection and 360-degree feedback. When used in tandem, these processes can lead to profound insights, enhanced leadership capabilities, and improved performance. In this […]

27Nov 2018

In appreciation for all that we have achieved at SelfStir, Tuesday November 29, 2018 will be dedicated to working on a new program in honor of #GivingTuesday. Our aim is to make our business solution available to organizations who can’t afford our subscription fees. For example, start-ups and organizations going through budget cuts, leadership programs tend […]

08Feb 2018
Development plans out the window

Here are some thoughts to get your plans back on track (or even started!) Many businesses start the year with well-intended plans to improve their employee, team and organisational development, but somewhere along the way those plans get side-lined. Now we’re a month in, how’s your resolve holding up? We can help. SelfStir enables individuals […]

22Jan 2018
Performance conversations

Goodbye annual performance reviews, hello feedback In this mini blog series we explore the value of performance reviews, the bucking trend against them and why on-going feedback and coaching is the new era of performance management. We also have a white paper that explores the topic in further depth which you can download here. Rescuing […]

11Jan 2018
Extinction of Annual Performance Reviews

Goodbye annual performance reviews, hello feedback In this mini blog series we explore the value of performance reviews, the bucking trend against them and why on-going feedback and coaching is the new era of performance management. We also have a white paper that explores the topic in further depth which you can download here. The […]

04Jan 2018
Product updates

SelfStir is getting better every day. Find all the latest updates to SelfStir Business Solution here. A big thank you to all our clients for their continuous feedback! We wouldn’t be where we are without them.

03Jan 2018
Performance review

Goodbye annual performance reviews, hello feedback In this mini blog series we explore the value of performance reviews, the bucking trend against them and why on-going feedback and coaching is the new era of performance management. We also have a white paper that explores the topic in further depth which you can download here. The value […]

10Mar 2017

While 360-degree feedback is a powerful tool to develop Leadership competencies in an organization, the data gathered and analyzed through the 360-degree survey process across management levels and the organization is too valuable to be ignored. We have launched the first phase of SelfStir Business Group Analytics (applicable to SelfStir Corporate plan only) to help […]

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