Openness – A Reality Unveiled
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We can’t expect from people what we aren’t willing to give. We expect transparency and openness from our leaders and politicians, our families, our coworkers and members of our community, but if we aren’t willing to be open with them, we can’t expect transparency in return. Openness can apply to our lives in many different ways and the very definition may change according to individual circumstances.

What Does Openness Mean to You

Openness is constantly changing each day of your life, and with every interaction. Would you consider yourself an open person on a daily basis?

  • Do you share your concerns with your family members and coworkers?
  • Do you listen when others are sharing their concerns with you?
  • Are you intrigued by new ideas, or do you stick to what you know?
  • Are you afraid of change, or do you embrace the journey?
  • Are you honest about your emotions?
  • Do you listen when people are honest with you about their emotions?
  • Are you flexible, and do you adapt easily to a new situation or idea?

Open Your Heart. Open Your Mind. Open Doors.

Openness can inspire a new truth in your life. Allowing yourself to be open to others’ ideas, emotions, and challenges, will build a more understanding and compassionate person within you. You don’t have to reveal every detail about your life with others, but you can be someone who they come to trust and believe you will display the same level of openness to them. Opening your heart and your mind can change the course of your life. People who are open notice opportunities that may have been missed with a closed mind.

Benefits of Being More Open

Discovering a broader sense of openness will build stronger relationships at work, with your family and most importantly – with yourself.

  • People will feel they can approach you
  • You can challenge yourself
  • You’ll create new experiences and emotions
  • You are more likely to accept change and respect suggestions
  • You’ll be inspired to become a better listener
  • You can reduce the stress you are burdened with by allowing yourself to entrust others with the anxiety of your load.
  • You’ll communicate more clearly and effectively
  • You will inspire others to be more open with you

Take the First Step with 360 Degree Coaching

Ironically, being open to taking the first step will put you on the path toward openness. The “first step” is such a scary phrase, but it can be accomplished with a plan and a support team to back you up. Adopting small habits of awareness into your daily life and seeking professional coaching, will help become more open with yourself and open to others. 360 Degree coaching provides you with all the tools you need to accomplish your goals. Professionals who provide 360 Degree coaching are focused on your success within your family, your job and as a productive and trusted member of society.


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