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Helping RPM show the benefits of coaching in tangible and measurable ways

The Client

RPM International W.L.L. is a consultancy based in Bahrain that guides clients with management and business administration consulting. Founded in 2011, RPM is composed of a core team and a wide network that add to the consultancy’s knowledge-base.

The Challenge

RPM provides individual coaching services for its clients and saw an opportunity to enrich and expand this offering. RPM wanted to introduce reflective multi-layer assessments, giving clients the opportunity to have pre and post 360-degree leadership assessments.

Why SelfStir?

Frédéric Patricelli, managing partner of RPM, had previously worked with SelfStir’s co-founder Denkine M’Hir, and when he heard about Denkine’s new venture with SelfStir, he saw a great opportunity for RPM.

What made SelfStir stand out was its flexibility. As a consultancy, RPM already had processes in place that it used with clients. What Frédéric and the team were looking for was something to add to their system, not to replace it. By choosing SelfStir, RPM was able to implement pre and post 360-degree leadership assessments, and conduct the subsequent work using their pre-existing system.

SelfStir also offered personalisation options, which RPM could take advantage of in combining SelfStir with their internal systems. RPM could upload unique competency models that differ from the options provided by SelfStir, thus customising surveys and assessment criteria to match clients’ own business competency models.

The Results

Thanks to the great support from SelfStir, and the very user-friendly graphical user interface, RPM was ready to run the 360-degree leadership assessments for clients in only a few days.

The benefits of SelfStir’s flexibility were also clear to RPM. While other providers only offer the complete platform, making it more difficult to integrate with RPM’s internal processes, RPM could adopt components from SelfStir’s platform and offer clients a fuller and richer service, at a lower cost.

The Future

The ultimate goal for RPM is to provide clients with a turnkey solution of individual coaching sessions with pre and post 360-degree leadership assessments. By using SelfStir, they can. The ability to compare the assessment reports will enable RPM to show clients the benefits of individual coaching sessions, in tangible and measurable ways.

At present, Frédéric uses SelfStir on his laptop for maximum convenience, from which he can conduct the 360-degree leadership assessments for clients at any time. As the client base for this part of the RPM service grows, so too will those who are trained to run the 360-degree leadership assessments with the SelfStir platform.

The Summary

As a consultancy, RPM International W.L.L. works with individuals on leadership and competencies, which are two areas that SelfStir champions in individual, team and organisational development. When RPM looked at their system they spotted a gap that SelfStir could fill, which would complement RPM’s processes instead of replacing them. With SelfStir’s personalisation options and custom competency modules, RPM can integrate the SelfStir platform easily and cost-effectively into their own system, giving clients a richer and fuller service.

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